Direttore Scientifico: Claudio Melillo - Direttore Responsabile: Serena Giglio - Coordinatore: Pierpaolo Grignani - Responsabile di Redazione: Marco Schiariti
Tags Articoli taggati con "traffico uomini"

traffico uomini

by Paweł Łabuz[i] and Irena Malinowska[ii]

Polish laws and regulations concerning fighting against human trafficking

(Key words: human trafficking, organ trafficking, prostitution, begging, crime, organized criminal group).


The article was carried out to analyze the phenomenon of human trafficking as a problemof law and to the social aspect of organized crime. Article indicates human trafficking as a crime and organized crime. This phenomenon occurs in Poland and in the world ofmass participation of international organized groups. Handel human beings is a complex social process. Development believes that the intensified training ofofficers of the Police organizational units and non-governmental organizations who deal with the present problem in the identification of trafficking victims to their position, poverty and deprivation, it will affect much on the efficient and effective operation of these institutions and non-governmental organizations in reducing the scale of the phenomenon this practice.

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